WINNER of the 2021 HOBI Award for “Outstanding Multi-Family Design".

WINNER of the 2021 HOBI Award for “Outstanding Multi-Family Design".
On Tuesday, December 17th at 7:30pm via Zoom the Falls Village Housing Trust, in participation with the Connecticut Department of Housing, will be hosting an informational meeting open to the public to review the updated Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment for the River Road Homes site. The Licensed Environmental Professional who conducted the Assessment will be on hand to present a summary and take questions. You can email Miguel Rivera at to receive the full environmental review package.
The zoom information can be found below.
Meeting ID: 892 8516 9441
Passcode: 956163
The Vision of the Falls Village Housing Trust Inc. is to ensure affordable housing opportunities exist for all community members by expanding options for seniors, disabled individuals, young adults and working families who want to live in the town of Falls Village, Canaan, CT.
The Trust is committed to maintaining the rural character and aesthetic charm of Falls Village.
The Mission of the Falls Village Housing Trust Inc. is to provide individuals and families (who meet the income qualifications) with ownership, rental or rent-to-own housing. The Housing Trust will utilize public and private financing programs to achieve these housing goals.
The FVHT is a 501c3 nonprofit charitable organization with the mission of providing affordable housing in the Town of Canaan (Falls Village). In order to ensure the required experience and expertise, FHVT has selected Paul B. Bailey Architect and Housing Enterprises, Inc., Civil 1 Engineering and Housing Enterprises as the project architect, engineer and housing consultant, respectively.
The first project of the Falls Village Housing Trust, Inc. (FVHT) is a 16-unit affordable rental housing development that will be all new construction with high energy efficiency and a focus on sustainability. This project has received Department Of Housing (DOH) Predevelopment Loan funding. The project is being designed to comply with CHFA/DOH requirements and complies with the requirement of the Falls Village Incentive Housing Zone (IHZ) Zoning Regulations.
Because of the rural location in Falls Village, the project is being designed with on-site water and septic. We received Planning and Zoning approvals in September 2020, and the project is applying for full funding.
A range of unit sizes and Area Median Income (AMI) limits will provide the widest housing opportunities within this project. Some units will be fully handi-capable accessible.
Paul B. Bailey Architect and River Road Homes is the WINNER of the 2021 HOBI Award for “Best Multi-Family Design".
Affordable housing is in great need in Falls Village, which at present only has 1.28% affordable housing units as per the 2019 Affordable Housing Appeals List. Lack of affordable housing has been directly associated with a reduction of younger people in a community. Falls Village has one of the highest median ages in Litchfield County. According to the Partnership for Strong Communities, the 65+ year of age group is expected to increase by 67% over the next 10 years if we don’t implement a correction.
The Falls Village Housing Trust Inc. is a 501.c.3.. Your donation is tax deductible.
Your support empowers our volunteers, and your contributions will enable the FVHT to build affordable homes in Falls Village.
Thanks to the generous support from residents of Falls Village and surrounding towns!
Falls Village Housing Trust Inc.
PO Box 424, Falls Village, CT 06031
Copyright © 2024 Falls Village Housing Trust Inc. - All Rights Reserved.